"Heller, Mama. Well, this week has been DA BOMB with
all our investigators and we are baptizing 27 people this week I just wish I
could "
^Sister Fields' life according to Elder Howe. Shame on me
for leaving an email up while I left to the bathroom...
BAPTIZED! She called me this morning and we talked for 15 minutes about how
things are going. She said that no one was surprised when she told them.. I'm
part of that no one. :) She is an amazing woman with so much faith and
determination to live the way that will make her Heavenly Father happy. I am so
grateful to have her as an example of enduring faith. It is SUCH a privilege to
be part of her story and part of her life. I love her so much . I love her
family. I can not express how humbling it is to hear her story. I LOVE BEING A
MISSIONARY. I feel like she is part of my family that was just sent to a
different part of the world, and I was sent there to find her and encourage
her. Man. this is awesome. She is amazing. The spirit is amazing. This Church
is amazing.
ALSO, I started my duty as a Sister Training Leader this
week. I conducted an exchange this Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday I was with
Sister Smith in Temple View YSA. She is an amazing missionary. I love to see
how well she listens to others. She was also an awesome planner. I will
implement some things I learned with her. Thursday I was in Northstar YSA with
Sister Schenk. Look back a couple months, we served together in the MTC. She
has grown to be a fantastic missionary. She walks fast and talks to everyone. I
was called to repentance. I know now that I need to talk to EVERYONE and that I
need to pray for miracles. :) I love this, but for a selfish reason. I get to
improve so much.
Friday we had interviews with President and Sister Neider. I
had a long talk with president about the things I am struggling with. He helped
me to get back my fire and I will forever be grateful for that. While he
interviews, she trains. We were able to role play in front of everyone and we were told
everything we can improve on. Man it was awesome! Sister Neider told me that I
need to be more brief, and that I will do! :) Short, powerful statements will
be what I use from now on! :) I LOVE FEEDBACK. Seriously. I am the most grateful
I have ever been for constructive criticism. I will welcome that for the rest
of my life. We also got a cool book called "adjusting to missionary
life." What a blessing that will be in my life! (Eli, you will love it!)
It explains the struggles that will or might happen and it teaches of
spiritual, physical, and emotional ways to deal with them. I am able to breathe
a little easier because of that book! :)
We have a new investigator... but we are going to need to
pass him off to Elders for some pretty weird reasons. Dad would be happy. haha
OH! We have an awesome investigator named David! He had a
friend leave on a mission, and he came to his farewell talk. After that he met
with the missionaries for a little before he was passed off to us in the singles
ward. I really think he is starting to get it. He is really applying the things
he is learning, and making an effort to read, pray, and go to church :) The
reason I brought him up: first, we had an awesome spiritual lesson about faith
and actions and second, he saved our number in his phone as besties. I though
y'all would enjoy that.
We have a new Ward Mission Leader! I am so grateful to
brother Jacob Cox and his devoted service. He is awesome, and he will do so
well with what the Lord has in store for him. He has always supported us and it
will be weird to have to get used to someone new, but CHARLIE is AWESOME! I am
looking forward to getting to know him and work with him. Ah I can just FEEL
the work progressing! :)
at her setting apart blessing and what a privilege that was. I am so happy to
know her, and we will be friends forever. In the blessing it said that she
needs to look to the example of sisters around her, and I bawled my little eyes
out. :) I love that girl. I love her I love her I LOVE HER!! :)
Here's for a good week! I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!!!
Smiles from Sunrise.
Sister Fields